I’ve heard being a parent is one of the most rewarding, yet challenging endeavors in life you will ever go through. Babies are so sweet and cuddly and then something happens when they venture into “toddlerhood.” They seemingly lose their minds! The struggle is developmental, of course. They are figuring out how to be independent, they are trying to communicate […]
Welcoming a new baby? Getting married, moving and having children are all new and wonderful life events. As with anything new and exciting in life, these transitions require change. Let’s face it, change can be hard! A friend of mine was thrilled to have her third child and told me her daughter was so excited to be a big sister. […]
There are books, magazines, and websites everywhere that talk about getting prepared for parenting. With more than 4 million babies born in the US each year, the advice continues to grow. Some advice focuses on getting financially prepared, some focuses on getting all the baby essentials ahead of time, some focuses on scheduling date nights and keeping your relationship a […]
As we get older the magic of Christmas and the holidays can fade a bit. I recently read this interesting post that explains some of the reasons why that can happen. However, you have a new baby and all that changes – the excitement of the holidays intensifies. Getting to see the magic of the holidays through the eyes of a […]
Christmas can often be one of the most exciting and highly anticipated days of the year. Unfortunately with all that anticipation can come a lot of stress. In a relationship, buying your partner the perfect holiday gift is listed in the top three stressors during Christmas. Sometimes there can be a great deal of expectations, financial worries, or unpreparedness that […]
The holidays can bring joy and love but also pose challenges for newlyweds. The Newlywed’s first holidays can be exciting and stressful. You may have learned to communicate through your differences, but now you’re adding family and their opinions into the mix. Sure, it may not feel much different if you’ve been together for many years and have spent a number […]
Oh The Joy! Picture it. It is Christmas morning. Mom and Dad have made their coffee. The kids are awake and full of anticipation. They rush into the living room, where the Christmas tree sparkles and gifts are piled underneath. There is so much joy! It’s Christmas Morning! Giving gifts to children at Christmas is one of the most fun, joyous […]
The joys of the season are upon us. The feeling of good tidings in the air, joyous carolers, holiday gatherings, yummy foods, and gifts for that special someone. Holidays are a time of celebration, right? Most of us look forward to them but if we are being 100% honest, the holidays can also be a very stressful time. Research shows a […]
Many of us have perfect visions of the holidays – love, traditions like football in the yard, turkey in the oven; the works. However, for some, the holidays can feel disappointing as tension arises and you recall why it’s been so long since you’ve seen certain relatives. Sometimes that tension turns into tension between you and your partner. Inevitably during […]
I'm a relationship expert & therapist, happily married to my hubby Derek for 14 years, Christ follower, foodie & travel fanatic.