If you have searched for marriage advice recently, you have probably come across the concept of dating your spouse. Research shows that continually dating your spouse after marriage is a great way to strengthen your relationship and keep things exciting. It is a great way to show your partner that you care about connecting with them and enjoy the time […]
We all have routine stress that effects everyday life. Some stresses are easy to let roll off our backs and others stick with us. Without positive coping strategies in place our stress levels can begin to rise. Research illustrates that stress in North America has become a 300 billion dollar industry per year. This is largely due to the physical […]
Recently, a friend was sharing her experience of choosing the details for a new home. She described choosing the floors, the wall colors, the fixtures – everything in the home in a single, three hour appointment. I was amazed that she was able to make all of those choices in such a short amount of time. I shared my amazement […]
A friend of mine was recently complaining about her shoulder hurting while we were having coffee one morning. When I asked how she was, she told me life was pretty good. She was enjoying time with her kids and her new baby. Things were busy at work but she was feeling good about the job she was doing and happy […]
Let’s be honest, most of us probably do not get enough sleep. Sometimes I can get caught up watching TV, reading, online shopping or hanging out with my family that suddenly I’ve missed my window to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep. Do you ever struggle to get enough sleep and wake up feeling tired? Do you notice that […]
Welcoming a new baby into the world is one of the greatest blessings and miracles couples experience. To many individuals and couples, having a baby is a dream come true. One that is often prayed about or anxiously anticipated for months or even years prior. However, what many people are not prepared for is the impact a new baby can […]
Parenting a teenager may be one of the most difficult and experiences that parents go through. Even if you aren’t a parent yet, you can probably look back and sympathize with your own parents during your teenage years. Ultimately parents just want their children to be safe, happy and healthy and most of them are doing the best they can. […]
One of the most common things I hear from my teenage clients is – “I wish my parents would just listen,” “They do not understand,” “They still treat me like a little kid,” and “I don’t get a say in anything.” What I find so interesting is the parents perspective is often very different. They will often say – “My […]
Struggles with blending families and co-parenting is one of the most common issues we see amongst couples who are remarried or have step children. Sometimes we even hear couples say their relationship is otherwise strong with the exception of the unique challenge of parenting someone else’s children. According to the Pew Research Center in 2015 only 46% of children are […]
I'm a relationship expert & therapist, happily married to my hubby Derek for 14 years, Christ follower, foodie & travel fanatic.