Ever catch yourself walking by a restaurant with live music or hear a catchy song in the car and feeling just a little boost of joy? Ever since I can remember I’ve loved music. When I feel upset or stressed, music is a way I can release the intensity of what I’m feeling. When I’m happy or excited it can intensify that positive feeling. So that got me thinking, can music make you happy?
How does music affect your thinking?
John Hopkins medicine researched music and the brain and found that music actually improves your body and brain function. Music can make you happy by essentially exercising your brain. Listening to music helps you reduce your anxiety levels, regulate blood pressure and improve creativity. It can also get rid of pain as well as improve the quality of your sleep, mood, mental alertness, and memory.
Music connects us all.
Music has the potential to reach us all world wide. Musicians have the potential to influence the way we view the world with their lyrics. Music can make you happy by helping you express yourself. It has the power to calm you or elevate your mood. Music is constantly changing and that helps us find new and different ways to expand our world and be influenced.
How can you use music to make you happy?
So we know music can improve not only our mental health but also our physical health. How can you use music to make you happier? Here are a few of my favorite ways:
Work it out.
Create a play list you love for your next workout, drive to work or walk through the neighborhood. Even better – download one for each!
Take a drive.
Make a road trip playlist that you can listen to while you travel. A great road trip playlist hosts a variety of music – calming, reflective music for when traffic is a beast and upbeat music for those long boring stretches.
Have a dance party.
No, I’m not kidding. Dance it out with a friend, solo or turn on Amazon music and dance with your partner.
See it live.
Make plans to check out a local live band or to see one of your favorite bands in concert. Nothing boosts your mood like witnessing the creative energy of a watching a performance live. Even if it’s not the type of music you’d usually gravitate towards, take a risk and give it a try.
Music can make you happy by allowing you to express yourself in a creative way and identify with others all over the world. Music truly has not limits. What kind of music do you like? How does music make you feel?
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